30 hours childcare- partner going from employed to sole trader
Hi All
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I can’t see anything directly related.
I work a PAYE job at £55,000 PA.
My partner has just resigned from her PAYE position to become a sole trader (starting 1 Jan 2025). From April 2024 to now she has earned ~£13k in her PAYE position.
As such we have been claiming the 30 hours free childcare, both earning comfortably above the threshold as I understand it.
She expects to earn ~£1000 month (minimum) as a sole trader from Jan 2025.
My questions are two fold really.
1- Do we need to do anything to ensure we still receive the free childcare, or is it a case of (as we have both already earned above the threshold for the tax year) we will be eligible and continue to receive until April?
2- How do we ensure we continue to receive it going forward (either after April or earlier if required)? Is it just a case of declaring somewhere what my partners expected income will be as a sole trader and confirming this every 3 months (this 3 month segments part confused me a fair bit).
Any advice greatly appreciated, from tired and confused parents!
Thank you