Tackling Bias in NHS?

I work in NHS and have been testing views of mostly doctors but also some policy makers. I am getting very strong ‘resistance’ vibes from some who dislike turning obesity into a medical model ie don’t prescribe a solution but address environmental factors (processed food, sugar, access to green space, exercise etc). Whereas obesity specialists are absolutely on board as they see the impact of obesity on individuals and know it’s not about ‘choice’ it’s complex- genetics, faulty messaging to the brain etc. as well as environmental factors. Tory govt announced a trial involving Wegovy but it never got off the ground- and typically of NHS they are over engineering ( have to be face to face diagnosis- must have dietician and coaching) which will rocket up the costs and can be done differently- just look at any private provider for cost effective models. Sorry it’s a rant but the bias that obesity is due to ‘lazyness and gluttony’ was palpable Oh and apparently this site is full of big pharmaceutical companies trying to influence us🙄 Should we be trying to influence/lobby Wes Streeting directly?