Telepathy and Psionics: beginnings of a global awakening?
I didn’t believe in this stuff either, and would’ve laughed at today’s revelations too. But the Telepathy Tapes popped up on my radar some weeks ago and guys it’s one of the most mental podcasts out there. It’s done in a format we expect disclosure to be done. Rigorous scientific tests, proving that nonverbal autistic kids have telepathic abilities / shared consciousness with their parents, and with each other; no fluff or bullshit. Proper investigative journalism. And it’s beaten JRE on the podcasts, so there’s a gradual global shift happening through there.
I think once we properly ‘prove’ telepathy (steps are underway acc to the podcast, and a documentary coming out later this year to make it even more mainstream), the scientific materialistic paradigm the world is sitting on falls apart. And then anything is possible. Like UFOs.
So all in all i’m glad psionics and frequencies were mentioned today. It’s the start of something new.