Jacques Vallee on the UFO phenomenon "...I think UFOs are perpetrating a deception by presenting their so-called “occupants” as being messengers from outer space, and I suspect there are groups of people on Earth exploiting this deception."
The following excerpts are from the book "Messengers of Deception, UFO Contacts and Cults" by Jacques Vallee.
I believe there is a machinery of mass manipulation behind the UFO phenomenon. It aims at social and political goals by diverting attention from some human problems and by providing a potential release for tensions caused by others. The contactees are a part of that machinery. They are helping to create a new form of belief: an expectation of actual contact among large parts of the public. In turn this expectation makes millions of people hope for the imminent realization of that age-old dream: salvation from above, surrender to the greater power of some wise navigators of the cosmos. With the release of popular UFO movies, many people who previously were skeptics have begun to jump on this bandwagon from outer space. I wish them bon voyage. However, if you take the trouble to join me in the analysis of the modern UFO myth, you will see human beings under the control of a strange force that is bending them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception. This role may be very important if changing social conditions make it desirable to focus the attention of the public on the distant stars while obsolete human institutions are wiped out and rebuilt in new ways. Are the manipulators, in the final analysis, nothing more than a group of humans who have mastered a very advanced form of power? Let me summarize my conclusions thus far. UFOs are real. They are physical devices used to affect human consciousness. They may not be from outer space. Their purpose may be to achieve social changes on this planet, through a belief system that uses systematic manipulation of witnesses and contactees; covert use of various sects and cults; control of the channels through which the alleged “space messages” can make an impact on the public.
We already have human technologies that are both physical and “psychic” (in the sense of influencing the consciousness of an observer). An example of such a technology is given, very simply, by your television set. There is no question that it is physical. You can talk about its size, volume, weight, and temperature. But if you turn it on, it will begin to control your awareness in peculiar ways. You will observe scenes that, as far as you can tell, could be either “real” or faked. You may be a witness to an actual crime committed right now, or to something that happened years ago. You may also believe a scene to be absolutely real, when in fact it is actually staged in a studio in Hollywood. Based on what you can observe, you have no way to know the truth, even if you have a Nobel prize in physics. Besides, your television set influences you in other ways. It determines what toothpaste you use, how you shave, who you go to bed with, and how you will vote in the next election. In some respects I think UFOs are similar to television sets. They are physical objects, the products of a technology, but they are also something else: the tools of a major cultural change. I think UFOs are perpetrating a deception by presenting their so-called “occupants” as being messengers from outer space, and I suspect there are groups of people on Earth exploiting this deception.
The group of people who will first manage to harness the fear of cosmic forces and the emotions surrounding UFO contact to a political purpose will be able to exert incredible spiritual blackmail. Such weapons are less flexible, but also less detectible, than tanks and aircraft; they represent a more lasting form of control over the lives of men. It takes a long time to bring their effects to complete fruition, because secrecy is essential for them to work. The contactees and the occult believers have been used as puppets. The public in every country now recognizes the existence of UFOs, and associates it with the idea of wise visitors from space. A majority of the American public has become convinced of the existence of such visitors. They have harnessed Hollywood. And they have made sure the whole subject remains a matter of ridicule and disrepute among scientists. There is in the White House a man who has seen a UFO and is impressed by what he saw. There are small groups and sects of contactees all over the world, using a vague and confusing jargon that protects the unspeakable reality, and claiming that salvation from Heaven is just around the corner. I don’t think we should expect salvation from the sky. I believe there is a very real UFO problem, I have also come to suspect that it is being manipulated for political ends. And the data suggest that the manipulators may be human beings with a plan for social control. Such plans have been made before, and have succeeded. History shows that having a cosmic mythology as part of such a plan is not always necessary. But it certainly helps.
Everyone is now so anxious to see the government “reveal” this long-awaited information that no one questions the reality of the basic facts and the political motivations that could inspire a manipulation of those facts. Trying to outsmart the CIA and the Pentagon has become such a national pastime that lawsuits against federal agencies under the Freedom of Information Act have begun to accumulate. All that has been shown so far is that these agencies were involved – often covertly – in aspects of the UFO problem. I suspect that they are still involved. But the UFO enthusiasts who are so anxious to “expose” the government have not reflected that they may, once again, be playing into the hands of the manipulators. And the UFOs may not be spacecraft at all.