Have you seen something like this? Recalling sighting from 2021

Have you encountered anything like this? Recalling sighting from 2021

It was a dark night around 11pm and I saw bright lights in a diamond formation hovering above my house at a low altitude approximately the size of 2 school buses in length. It was accompanied by a droning low frequency sensation (not a sound) and hovered for a few seconds before it’s lights started blinking sequentially in an anti clockwise direction, before shifting into a more triangular formation (as pictured), picking up speed and altitude into the sky and disappearing.

I looked up military drones to see any similarities in the triangular shape however it doesn’t really explain the transformation that I witnessed.

Have you encountered anything like this? Recalling sighting from 2021

It was a dark night around 11pm and I saw bright lights in a diamond formation hovering above my house at a low altitude approximately the size of 2 school buses in length. It was accompanied by a droning low frequency sensation (not a sound) and hovered for a few seconds before it’s lights started blinking sequentially in an anti clockwise direction, before shifting into a more triangular formation (as pictured), picking up speed and altitude into the sky and disappearing.

I looked up military drones to see any similarities in the triangular shape however it doesn’t really explain the transformation that I witnessed.