An Occam's Razor realization approach to NJ's events

I found this exercise useful to figure out what's going on. I'm applying Occam's Razor to each.

  1. Are there unusual things in the sky in NJ? >>> Yes, they are man made and resemble drones
  2. Do they come out all the time or at specific times, if so why? >>> They appear at night, meaning they are appearing for a purpose that only occurs at night
  3. Are there many drones? >>> Yes, of various sizes and types
  4. Are there any ditinguising features to these drones? >>> Yes, some are the size of a car, and some are silent when they would typically produce a noise
  5. What is the purpose these features? >>> The drones appear to be sophisticated and performant. This means they are not civilian drones, but special purpose vehicles for professional usage. Being silent is for the purposes of avoiding detection by non-sophisticated targets (they can't be heard, but they could be detected with radar). Being large is for purposes of carrying a heavy payload.
  6. Given the drones appear at night, and have those features, what is their purpose? >>> It is a search operation. Silence means for a living being that comes out at night. Payload could mean for a living being or to detect a device/item that requires specialist gear to detect - that also only appears at night. See point 7.
  7. Why do the law enforcement authorities not know anything about this? >>> Because it is a military operation not in the public domain. This tells us there is a national security issue here. If it was a very serious issue, the drones would be out during the day too - wasting half a day is not advisable. This means that the being / item do only appear at night, or can only be detected in the dark.
  8. Why are there helicopters on occasion, and other large military aviation vehicles? >>> Because they are supporting the drones' activities.
  9. Why are there no cars or people on the ground, that we know of, supporting the activities? >>> Because that's the "last mile" - the primary goal of the search cannot be achieved on the ground.
  10. Why NJ? >>> Either there was an event that took place specific to the region, or, there is a long standing reason (such as a military program of some kind).

With all of this in mind, I believe there is a search going on for an individual or a technology/item that has been lost. This item/individual only travel or can be detected at night. They are of extreme importance/significant to warrant this level of activity. This means, it is: not a nuke (can be detected during the day), not something that's possible to see during the day (perhaps due to hiding?), and not something regular law enforcement know about so it can't be say a prisoner on the run.

Someone else, please feel free to continue this line of thinking and see if we get to anywhere more precise.