I grew up with my diet constantly criticised by my parents while my brothers could eat anything

This seems to be a fairly common experience, I have two older brothers and I’m the only girl. One of my brothers, when he was a teenage boy ate an entire tray of pasta that served four people? Hilarious! I’ve come in from a very busy day, starving hungry and eating the first thing since breakfast and would immediately hear ‘Should you be eating that much?’.

To add to this, my brothers were incredibly sedentary as teenagers. They’ve never been overweight but all they did was go to school, then sit in front of a computer the rest of the time and were always an average weight. I’ve always spent as much time as possible with horses, volunteering at local stables as a child and working with them as an adult, so I’ve always been very physically active but I’m also 5’0 and never weighed more than about 100lbs.