My husband is really messing with my mental health.
I’m 4mo postpartum and i have been doing fairly well compared to some other stories I’ve read. I’m super happy and i truly love being at home taking care of my baby. However, sometimes i just need to not be needed if that makes sense. When my husband gets home from work I’ll go do some things by myself that i enjoyed before so just decompress and clear my mind.
This is mad difficult by my baby’s new sense of separation anxiety. He’ll be inconsolable about 15 minutes after i leave. While I’m out my husband will call me and won’t speak, he’ll just let me listen to our screaming baby until i hang up. When i get home the baby will be laying next to him on the couch screaming and he’ll just be on his phone. Then he’ll tell me how awful it is to tend to a screaming baby as if i don’t know. My only time to just exist as myself is when i put my baby to sleep but then im losing even more time to sleep myself.
Because of this I’ve only left our baby with him maybe 5 times. We live 2 states away from my family and we’re no contact with his so he is my only support.
Outside of being alone with the baby he’s a great dad. I just wish he was better in this aspect of fatherhood.
Edit: I guess i was naive to think my husband wouldn’t get slandered for this. But I’m here to answer the questions that have been asked
- He’s a great father because he bathes baby, feeds baby, plays with baby, takes baby on walks, plans family picnics, cooks on weekends etc.
- I don’t just leave the second he walks through the door. I’ll make sure baby is fed, had a good nap, and is clean before i go
- I’m not clubbing or bar hopping. I’m just window shopping for walking by the beach
- I don’t try to leave him with the baby everyday. Like I’ve said baby is 4mo old and I’ve only tried to leave him alone 5 times or so.
Our baby is generally a very happy baby and usually only cries when he needs a clean diaper, food or sleep.