Beliefs fueled entirely on lies, denial and contradictions

Remember back when Trump's most diehard dipshits tried to storm the capitol and failed so they claimed it was Antifa and radical left lunatics disguised as Trump supporters who were the real culprits?

For the sake of their argument let's be charitable and grant that as true, despite how painfully obvious it isn't. If all those folks who forced entry into a Federal building - and not just any bldg, we're talking the U.S. Capitol -- were indeed a bunch of bad faith actors paid off by Soros to sow division, or Antifa insurgents working in harmony trying to pull off the greatest, most cunning example of covert infiltration, subterfuge, whatever the fuck you call it:

then why the fuck aren't any of em mad that Trump's raining pardons like they're Tootsie•Rolls at a goddamn parade? In total over one and a half thousand Antifa members who engaged in Insurrection, a riot literally desecrating the most sacred halls of the nation, in the hopes it would appear it was done at the behest of Trump?

If that were true, how red hot would the coals of their collective outrages burn like furnaces from the bowels of Hell? If Trump were truly innocent, would such a sinister act of violent mass deception stir him to action in the most militaristic and extreme reactions possible?

Are these motherfuckers so lazy and so stupid and so callously comfortably brazen in their pathological lying that they can't even be bothered to faking a coherent outrage that their previous assertions would necessitate? They are so wretched and infantile and entitled and fucking EXHAUSTING to coexist amongst because they don't hold themselves to any of the standards they hold unto others, both inside and outside the realms and contexts of politics.

Maybe its for even simpler reasons: why? Why does seemingly none of the stupid shit American conservatives argue have any basis in reality? The only discussions they engage in they proceed to lie and filibuster and evade with every form of fallacious on-the-spot nonsense they can cook up? And if not that they just stick to the script and rattle off whatever stupid shit they heard Steven Crowder or Tim Pool shout on their podcasts the day before?

They can't even maintain enough logical consistency in their beliefs because they don't fucking sincerely belief anything - which is why they fail time after time to back up and support them in ways that make any sense at all. Any given day one topic to the next is just cherry picked from exhausted clichés & talking points long suckled from the teats of the Tucker Carlsons and Dennis Pragers and Jordan Petersons of the insidious and dishonest mediaspheres thats ever existed.

So yeah, if you want to attach yourself to these ridiculous conservative narratives that are literally just lies cut from whole cloth, at least be willing to stand by them until the arrival of their applied, logical consequence. Don't just ignore or abandon them the moment they become inconvenient because that makes you a pussy without any ideological consistency - you profess to have beliefs but completely fail to back them up in any meaningful way and unravel when met with even the slightest criticism or scrutiny or pushback that illuminates areas of faultiness in your reasoning.

It's just so goddamn astounding and depressing to see that after so many folks have a personal ideological rightward shift how all of their critical thinking and ability of info analysis gets hamstrung or completely amputated and leaves them wholly disinterested in knowing the truth because they have their truth and that's all that matters.

And they unironically toss around the word "sheep" to insult anyone who doesn't completely agree with them.

They could have a disagreement in a place time and situation that has absolutely nothing to do with politics and unironically chime in "shut up you liberal cuck!"

Bravo! You sure know how to shoot for the stars! You killed every single star. Wait I thought Obama took everybody's guns away?