People should just stop doing drugs.

There, I said it. I get downvoted 24/7 for saying that people should just stop doing any kind of drugs that you’ll start becoming dependent on unless you really NEED it. 95% of people doing weed don’t need to do it, they’re just bored and want to “have fun” alcohol, cigarettes, weed, lsd, acid, Molly and all that shit needs to go as well. Don’t even mention cocaine or fent.

The fact that we have people wanting to legalize all drugs is just the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Or anyone advocating for weed because it’s “good for you” are like alcoholics telling others that it’s “not bad”

Our homeless population exists solely because of drugs. Our economy and lack of financial education exists solely because people spend their money on their addictions.

Recreational drugs are bad. Period. People defending and using it are the ones that are allowing the cartels to exist in this world.