It’s hypocritical of the left to oppose a TikTok ban on the basis of “free speech”, whilst simultaneously supporting banning sites like X and 4chan.

First, I would like to mention that I’m against the proposed TikTok ban. Despite not using the app, as a libertarian I find it hard to justify banning something that only harms those whom choose use it. Although I still find it somewhat ironic that the left suddenly hails TikTok as a bastion of free-speech, despite probably ranking in dead last for free speech in my opinion. They literally auto moderate posts that include anything regarding Tiananmen square, Chinese mistreatment of Uyghur Muslims and other general anti-CCP rhetoric. I think much of it has to do with the anti-Trump, pro-Palestine stance much of TikTok has adopted. However, I feel that's just the CCP indirectly projecting its own geopolitical interests upon western citizens. Yet somehow vast amounts of leftist's support banning/regulating sites like X and 4chan on the basis of “hate speech”.  

The double standard is hilarious when the left supported Brazil banning X; then later became outraged after the US considered a TikTok ban. I think the root cause of the issue is leftists wanting echo-chambers. The idea of migrating to a site like X after a TikTok ban and having to deal with someone whom may have a different opinion simply infuriates them. It somewhat stems from TikTok being a very politically-sheltered platform when it comes to leftists not having to deal with conservative/alt-right opinions. On X, they remove the de facto “layer of protection” found on sites like YouTube and TikTok; as now you have to scroll past peoples 100% unfiltered opinions on practically every topic imaginable.