Most people will do nothing to combat climate change, and neither will I.
I believe paper straws are the embodiment of how seriously humanity treats climate change. Nothing more than a tool for corporate/personal virtue signalling, devoid of the actionable steps required to mitigate the effects of climate change. Now before anyone claims I’m somehow “selfish” for myself not taking action, I would like you to evaluate what steps you yourself have taken? Yes you, whom likely owns a $400,000+ heated detached home, typing your response with an $800 smartphone (imported from China), driving a diesel-powered Honda CR-V (imported from Japan) while consuming a McDonalds hamburger (which requires 2.35kg of c02 to produce). Hence the only difference between you and me, is that I’m honest about my inaction and you aren't. Which returns nicely to my original claim; That I will be taking no action to mitigate climate change, nor reduce my carbon footprint.
It all comes down to basic tragedy of the common's fallacy. The belief in a shared, finite resource of which all have access to (the environment/planet’s resources), and that everyone will ultimately act within their own self-interest to extract the most value possible before said resource is depleted. The driving force behind the fallacy, is that since we all expect everyone else to act dishonestly within their own self-interest, hence we too act within our self-interests, because why should we put in effort if nobody else will? Despite this being a fallacy (a false notion), I personally believe it to be gospel throughout human history. Thus I plan on taking no action, as that would entail personal sacrifice in pursuit of a lost cause.