My mother won't stop stealing my medication

I take opiates every day for a bad chronic pain condition. I need them more than ever because I am currently so busy and never really home, so I have no time to practice any sort of pain reducing self care. I am actually taking these meds LESS than prescribed. I am taking one extended release pill every 24 hours for pain, and am also prescribed short release meds for breakthrough pain which I am not really taking at all anymore. Why? Because my mom keeps stealing them from me.

I already almost always keep my meds in a lockbox under my bed with the keys always on my person, but because I've been out of the house all the time recently I carry my meds with me instead of in there. I was being stupid and assumed she didn't even know the meds were hidden in my bag but she did, and stole some. I always count them regularly because she's been stealing my meds literally every time she has the chance for years now.

But now a few days ago I got dental surgery so I was groggy from coming off anesthesia, and she was there to take care of me... I very wrongfully assumed that she wouldn't be so low as to steal my prescription medicine when I was recovering from surgery, but it turns out she absolutely is, because two are missing, which I am 100% sure were there prior to my procedure and that I didn't take them. They're not even short release opiates tbat are easy to abuse, they're the extended release ones which don't even get you high. They couldn't have gone anywhere else.

So I texted her this morning after I counted them 100 times and accused her of it and she denied it, but she has done that every single time she later admitted to taking them. So why would I believe her? She's claiming in my drugged stupor I took more than I was supposed to which has never happened because I know I'm only supposed to take 1 a day, I have ONLY ever taken one a day. I can't imagine how stupid she thinks I am to think I would believe her now.

I AM fucking stupid. I can't believe I seriously didn't think she would steal from me just because I had surgery. I'm so upset at myself. I can't even do anything about it because the only possible way I'd be able to get those meds back is if I reported her to the police which I definitely cannot do because I would get kicked out. I have nowhere else to go so yet again I have to just move on. The only think I can do moving forward is make sure my meds are constantly in my lockbox, or buy a luggage lock for my bag. Which is another bit of money I will have to spend trying to protect my meds from my own mother.

I'm just so sick of this and nothing seems to deter her. She never learns her lesson. The only other thing I could do is tell my father that she stole from me again but I don't even know what would come of that. He always just gets super pissed off and treats EVERYONE like shit for weeks. Including me. So there's nothing he'd be able to do. At this point he would most likely agree that I'm stupid for technically leaving her in control of my meds. Ughhh. I am so tired of this piece of shit family I can't get away from.