Husband walked in on me….

We’ve had a bout of the flu going around the house the past week. I’m feeling it but not as bad as my husband cough man flu cough

Last night he was starting to feel better and I was hoping to do the deed since it’s been a while. He said he was feeling up to it so I was reallllllllly turned on. It was his turn to put our daughter to bed (we swap nights because I work some nights), so I was just sitting in the living room counting the seconds until he walked out of the room. After about an hour he still hasn’t come out. Then I hear snoring. Adult snoring. My husband snoring.

I was a little let down but understanding since I know he wasn’t feeling well. The night before he passed out at 7pm and didn’t wake up until the next day so I figured it would be the same scenario this night. So I grabbed the ol reliable rose and headed on my merry way.

Not even 3 seconds in, my husband walks in. Mortified, I start laughing because what else do you do in that situation? He looks extremely pissed and I’m just trying to pull my drawers back up at this point. Once I finish, I ask him if he’s mad. He tells me “well since you couldn’t even wait more than an hour you might as well finish yourself off because I’m completely turned off right now”

That hurt. A lot.

At that point I got upset because if it were me that walked on him I’d get totally turned on and offer to finish him off. Said some not so nice things and never got off and still haven’t.

Sometimes I feel like I don’t even know the man I married.