I think I was sexually assaulted by my mother
A few years ago, my mother died. At the time, I was around 16 and I didn't feel the grief people expected me to. She died to suicide after a long period of time being in and out of mental institutions and hospital. No one really knows all the facts, but it was suspected by doctors she had used heroin, and the last person she supposedly saw was her dealer. I didn't visit her much to my family's dismay, but I felt no urge to see her. I felt guilty at the time for not feeling "human feelings", and felt as if I must be a psychopath for not feeling the same things as others who were emotional wrecks around this time.
After she died, I had a chance to reflect on her life and I realised some awful things. Typical physical and emotional abuse. For example, making me apologise to her after she beat me because she was crying due to her actions and felt like a "bad mother" (I heard that phrase a lot). There are a lot more things, but they aren't very relavent here. The worst thing I looked back on was the touching. Nothing "extreme" like full on assault, but the little things that made me feel bad at the time and nauseous looking back. I distinctly remember one time when we were going to visit a family friend and they left without me. I ran down the street to catch up, and a man across the road and his son stared at me and made me uncomfortable. I stopped running, just speed walking to catch up. I was scolded for being slow, but when I mentioned the man and his son, my mother grabbed my chest and said "of course they're staring with these on your chest". It made me feel awful, and I just quietly cried on the walk to the friend's house.
Other small things like that, with touches around my chest, made me feel sick. She frequently called me into the bathroom whilst she was on the toilet and would talk to me normally as if it wasn't totally strange. In the mornings, she would brush my hair and always claim it was covered in dandruff so she "had to bathe me". I tried to wear my swimming costume in the bath at the time, but was told off for trying to cover up. I always felt self conscious at home, so for alone time I would spend a lot of time in the bathroom, as it was the only door with a lock. Once, she managed to get in when I swear I locked the door (you could use a coin to unlock the door from the outside) and caught me in an embarrassing situation. Instead of leaving and apologising, she sat on the toilet and starting asking me invasive questions about my "technique".
All these things and more have accumulated in me feeling like I'm unpure, or dirty, and I have no idea if this even counts as sexual assault. Maybe she was just overstepping boundaries? Just because I felt sexually uncomfortable does that make it wrong? I feel like if I were an outsider looking in I could easily say, but now I just don't know and it feels sickening.