Missing sister update

I posted about this a few times, the first time I posted in a different sub but deleted it for my own safety. My sister went missing New Years eve at the beginning of this year, and we got confirmation yesterday she was killed, and her remains were found. I would like to thank those of you who reached out when o first posted and helped spread the word. This isn't an update I wanted to make at all and I can't even fully process this has actually happened.

I truly appreciate all of you who took the time to reply with your love and condolences, it truly means a lot to me and my family and I apologize for having not replied to everyone. I truly do appreciate you all 🩷

**Also I appreciate the concern as I received a reddit cares, I am currently in therapy and have been for a few years, so this will definitely be something i discuss more in depth with my therapist. I have an amazing support system that's been helping me through, and my amazing kiddos, so I promise you all I'm alright.