Do They Get Obsessed Really Quickly?

I guess today I was remembering something about this guy she was like obsessed with before me - like I was talking to her for almost a month where she would be messaging me like morning and night and she would be initiating a lot of the conversation. And I was like, aight, this girl seems pretty interested.

And then one day, apparently she got super drunk, and she just messages me about this guy who is like super cute and she likes hanging out with him and they had fun experiences together and she was trying to get him to get with her for a while. Like I guess I am wondering - like is it normal for narcissists to like someone that much? Like is it that he was THAT hot or that personable? Like she told me after that that he wanted to kiss her first, but she didn't even let him kiss her the first time. But then things started heating up and they went travelling a bit and they even went to a Berlin club (like wtf, I didn't need to know that) and they travelled a bit from what I understand. She went on a few dates with him and she was pretty interested in him, and she wanted him from what I can tell. Apparently, he wasn't very good with texting her and I guess he was a bit spotty with communicating with her, and she wasn't a huge fan of it, but it makes me think that he was a bit toxic, like on and off with her quite a bit.

At that time, I felt super hurt, especially because I thought she was into me, but I was like you know what, as a friend, I will just try to help her anyways. And I told her that she should be messaging this guy like she's messaging me, and maybe he would like her too. But she was like nahhh, I'll talk to him anyways in a bit. She ended up driving all the way from Germany to Prague to talk to this guy and I was thinking, I don't think she ever tried so hard with me.

Like you know, I felt like I showed her I was interested since the beginning, but I don't think that I ever got to the level where she was like following me and trying to force making it work. And she said that he let her know he wasn't interested in her like the worst way possible (god only knows that means, because afaik, cheating on your boyfriend behind his back when he's trying to have only the best for you seems like the worst way possible), and a week after that, she asked me if I wanted to try to make it work with her.

I guess I am just trying to understand - like is their obsession with someone related to love bombing? Like it is necessarily that the other person had some qualities that were better than mine?

I dunno - I guess I just want to try to make sense of it, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas haha.