Please help me answer this very tough question. It might be a bit creepy.
I have always wondered where do the children of babies who die before baptism go. There seem to be three answers to this question: 1. They go to hell. This is by far the most disturbing one. I don't want to imagine a god that delights in the suffering of babies, simply because "they had original sin so it's an excuse for torture, hahahaha you vile mortals!". Not even St. Augustine believed that the fate of such children would be so harsh, he believed that they would go to hell but suffer very little so it wouldn't be true hell. Still, it's very disturbing to imagine such a sadistic god, almost straight out of Lovecraft, and this seems to be the belief of Calvinists and of also the Orthodox church (or so do say online sources about the infamous "1600's Jerusalem council"). Paradoxically, this possibility would make abortion good, since it would be a way for God to laugh at the dead children of such a miserable species because burning them alive for eternity would give him "tough theology points" or something. 2. They go to limbo (a part of hell technically). This seems to be a reasonable answer since they would suffer very little but feel ok. The problem is that a christian mother would feel quite sad knowing that she will never have a chance to meet her child again even though he is happy. Imagine God telling her "your child is OK but he will never be next to you again. Duh!". 3. They go to heaven. This is in my opinion a possible and comforting answers, especially if this applies to christian couples who lost their children to miscarriage. This option still makes abortion an abomination, since we do NOT kill people after baptizing them or after confession, and such a logic would apply to those children too. The problem is that I can't find many famous catholic saints who seem to hold this view. Answers would be appreciated.