Large Temp Swings

So I have a aged century 22. I replaced the fire rod and fire pot recently and this is where my temp issues have started. Not original traeger parts. Amazon cheapos.

180 setting is pretty much on the dot (P setting at 4). Once I go to 225/255 I get temps over 300.

I am not sure if I need to move the fire rod in more, or replace the temperature thermometer or maybe it’s the controller? I plan to call traeger tomorrow. Have a pork Butt on now.

Any advice would be great. I have adjusted P setting to try and offset the different but it’s at P-7 and my internal barrel temp is at 347 when the knob is set to 225 😐

I have a an additional thermometer inside as well as the Traeger one. It’s warm today but maybe 73 degrees. Grill is in the sun.

Traeger pellets.