Am I just stupid?
So, we all know that dumb people usually think that they are so smart and think that all others are stupid and always say out loud that they are super intelligent The thing is, where I live most people are so ignorant and don't have a lot of common knowledge and they are genuinely dumb, they're always a pain in the ass to argue with and for that reason I never argue with them anymore and they think that I'm stupid
I have met a few reasonable people and they seem to agree with me I live in a third world country so I don't know if that's relevant
Also what really pisses me of is that they never respect other's perspectives and they think that what they grew up on is the absolute right thing, they would start a fight or harass u just because they don't like the way you look or you disagree with them
My point is that since I feel most people I know aren't the brightest, am just the stupid one?