This is a long shot but I’m desperate. I live in the US but visiting my jichan in Hachioji, in a 30+ year old house. It’s become clear to me in the last few days that there is a SEVERE rat problem (as well as hakubishin in the walls). I come downstairs every morning to rat feces everywhere.
My jichan has advanced dementia and doesn’t notice/care (and contributes to the problem by leaving cake wrappers, etc out) and I’m only here till Friday.
My Japanese is very rudimentary and I don’t know the process to get an exterminator out here. My mom (who is Japanese but also lives in US) only says “there’s a lot of scams” and seems distrustful of getting someone out here.
I’m disgusted and so sad at the state of this house that I grew up feeling so safe and comfortable in. Is there anything to do but disinfect and clean for the last few days that I’m here? Please help.