I’m just so done
I wear my tail sometimes to school and I am very often barked at ,meowed at , called a furry, etc but I wore mine again today and things were okay unt after lunch . Great Dane boy ( me and my friends call him that because he barks like one ) and his friends followed me and my friend and started to do his famous Great Dane bark witch he’s praised for but I’m being bullied for wearing a tail ! He barked at me and yelled “ YO I THINK THERES A DOG HERE ! “ and I’m just pissed off , I know I shouldn’t have but I snapped back and yelled “ FURRY” I know . I’m no better than they are , but I’m just so f*cking sick of it . So he started to say things like “ Your the one wearing a tail “ Even though he’s straight up barking at me 😑 I’m just so done with this sh!t . I keep seeing things like “ I don’t understand why other Therian are getting upset over being barked at “ or “ Just don’t fight back , you won’t be any better then they are “ and shit like that . But i can’t anymore ! It’s hard but to fight back when strangers are barking at you , when they are trying to grab your tail , when they are taking videos and pictures of your without your consent. I just can’t stand there and do nothing . I’m done , I’m so f•cking done .