Infuriating customer service for the Coffee Table book
I ordered the preorder of the coffee table book exactly 7 months ago today. In September I received my copy of the book, but like my others, it was damaged. Replacements were offered, so I immediately contacted support. I was regularly emailing support awaiting on my replacement, but after months, it was finally shipped earlier this week, and it arrived today. Despite promises of better packaging, my book arrived in a small box hardly bigger than the book with two bubbles placed on top of it, not protecting the sides or back of the book at all. In all seriousness, the damage isn’t terrible, the corners are less damaged than last time, though the spine and cover are worse, and there’s a large sticker I fear will leave residue. Normally I wouldn’t be all that mad, but this is a coffee table book where it is intended to be used as a display piece. When the pages are warped and white is visible from a torn spine it’s upsetting, especially for a $60 book with $15 shipping. I have contacted support for another replacement and I am awaiting a reply, but it took me 4 months to get my replacement last time, so I am just exhausted. It’s media mail, shipping is cheap, please just wrap your packages in bubble wrap going forward.