The album is postponed so let's talk about the rollout.
I really don't feel rollout of the album, like at all. Last time he released anything (exuding Open Hearts) was in October. After that he was just silent.. Them he revelead the release date (bruh), announced rose bowl show (bruh), announced the movie and did one interview (I don't include billions club show cuz I wouldn't really consider this as a part of the rollout). It's all. Btw he postponed the album cuz of LA but it would be actually fucking pointless if he will do the rollout cuz he got less than 2 weeks so he gotta do some kinda final rollout but what's even the point of postponing the album if he will do the rollout anyway (I mean he postponed HUT cuz LA is more important but he gotta do some kinda rollout during the whole situation that is going on in LA so postponing the album is actually pointless). I also expect one last single before the release cuz as I said up there the last time he released anything was in October
I really don't feel rollout of the album, like at all. Last time he released anything (exuding Open Hearts) was in October. After that he was just silent.. Them he revelead the release date (bruh), announced rose bowl show (bruh), announced the movie and did one interview (I don't include billions club show cuz I wouldn't really consider this as a part of the rollout). It's all. Btw he postponed the album cuz of LA but it would be actually fucking pointless if he will do the rollout cuz he got less than 2 weeks so he gotta do some kinda final rollout but what's even the point of postponing the album if he will do the rollout anyway (I mean he postponed HUT cuz LA is more important but he gotta do some kinda rollout during the whole situation that is going on in LA so postponing the album is actually pointless). I also expect one last single before the release cuz as I said up there the last time he released anything was in October