It’s been in front of us all the time

Ok so idk know if someone already made a thread about this but if we take the Dawn Fm realease date, which is Jan 7 of and we take all the songs that are in the album which are 16( Dawn Fm, Gasoline, HDIMYLM, TMB, Sacrifice, A Tale By Quincy, Out of Time,Here We Go Again, Best Friends, Is There Someone Else?,Starry Eyes,Every Angel Is Terrifying, Don’t Break My Heart, I Heard You Married, Less Than Zero, Phantom Regret By Jim) that would give us January 23, Hurry Up Tomorrow is coming out Jan 24, so it seems like all this time we just had to add the amount of songs that are in Dawn Fm, Hurry Up Tomorrow is like a literal way say that tomorrow is January 24, the realease date of the album.