Who would y'all realistically get along with in the season 1 cast

Obviously nobody is a completely valid answer I DO MEAN IF YOU WHERE IN THE GAME WITH THEM FROM EPISODE 1 Anyway here's the people I think I'd actually get along with really well

Friends Mark Doug Omid Lilly (I share alot of the same opinions as her before she shoots Carley or Doug so I think relatively speaking we'd get along) Katja

Neutral Lee if I know about his past if I didn't know he'd go up to friends Carley Duck Clem Chuck Bri

Everyone else I just wouldn't get along with at all Kenny Christa Molly Vernon Larry

Obviously I love all these characters in game but if I was actually in there group when shit hit the fan man would it suck I say I'm neutral with the kids I wouldn't hate them but I wouldn't be talking to them constantly so they are neutral I may have missed some people