Wiki contributors and updates
Hi everyone,
I'm yugiohcd10 in game/Discord and Hubbylord on Reddit. The wiki has been a preferred data hub to many on reddit/discord. With Murky taking a step away from the game and wiki I'm stepping in to organize and structure a way to keep the wiki up-to-date.
I have talked to several players and a common consensus is many of us have too much going on in day-to-day life to commit like murky has to keeping the wiki up-to-date. With this in mind, the wiki now has a Contributors page. This is still in a "early draft" state, but the premise is this: Divide up patches/work into small projects so contributors can commit <20 minutes per project. This opens the door, where you do not need to make large time commitments to be a part of updating the wiki.
Right now the focus is getting the wiki up-to-date (~2-3 patches behind), but in the future more can be done to incorporate tools/charts found in Discord/Reddit and perhaps other places such as Skye's Tools or TC.
If you're interested in contributing, please take a look at the Contributors page. If you have feedback/questions let me know. Again this is something in its early steps that I believe can keep the wiki up-to-date and will likely evolve to have more structure/organization as it goes on.