Question about cannon modules

I know that AD is considered the best cannon module for farming followed by BA, DP and then HB. I have a mythic AD that I've been using but I also have a ancestral 1* HB I haven't been using since it's considered to be the worst cannon module. But now I'm at the point though where my CL damage is majorly dwarfing my projectile damage. I'm in the middle of a t10 run on wave 6278 and my projectile damage is 6.48S and my CL damage is 118.94S, which is 18x higher than projectile damage. Right now my ancestral 1* HB only has mythic substats because I didn't want to waste reroll shards on a inferior mod.

So my question is that given the fact that my projectile damage is such a small percentage of my damage dealt (even with the added bounce shot damage from AD), would it be better to just reroll my HB to get ancestral substats and use that instead? Or is there a reason I should still be using my mythic AD?