Double blind trials and proofs of PSI phenomena you can see for yourself

I spoke to KY Dickens via email about the windbridge institute and forever family foundation because they conducted scientific fool proof trials on non-autistic yet gifted psychics. She confirmed to me that they're being featured in season 2

I first learned about those two organizations from a book by the neuroscientist Dr. Mona Sobhani. (Proof of spiritual phenomena) The way they eliminated any body-cue reading is by having phone call sessions with the psychics or in an extreme case have a substitute who doesn't know anything about the person who wants to contact the dead, sit in the person's place infront of the psychic. It's only later by viewing the information collected by the sitter, from a mixture of various sessions for different people that the person could recognize the dead relative they were contacting. This is done to eliminate any generic blanket words like "they miss you" etc only leaving very specific information that the psychic is unlikely to guess like name, manner of death, a shared memory etc

The trial was a success with a pool of gifted individuals they had to sift through millions for. It's very mind boggling to read about. As for seeking proof for yourself, I highly recommend visiting the FFF website, they conduct online video call sessions as well as in person. They're highly rigorous about testing the abilities of the psychics they host on their website. I don't know about the prices for them but one I learned about from a very positive comment on the highstrangeness subreddit was Dustin Lyvers who does one hour video call session set to 65 USD. I plan on getting a session with him at a later point soon