Rewatchables episodes we're still waiting for

In no particular order:

  1. Robocop: How they've stayed away from this one is stunning. One of the most rewatchable movies ever.
  2. Pulp Fiction: Bill has said he's waiting to do this one until they finally end the pod.
  3. Dodgeball: They just did an oral history on the Ringer for the movies 20th anniversary. Give us a Rewatchables episode now.
  4. LA Confidential: 90s classic about LA in the 50s. We know Bill loves LA movies.
  5. Bull Durham: One of the greatest sports movies ever. He's teased doing this one with Mal like 3 or 4 times

Edit: Well I guess we can cross Pulp Fiction off the list lol.

Edit #2: And Dodgeball lol