What if everything happened at once when Korra revealed herself as the Avatar ?

In this scenario, when Korra publicly reveals herself as the new Avatar, it kickstarts the plans of all the protagonists she faced over the course of 4 seasons in the real show, all happening at once.

To make it make more sense, we could say that the anti-bending revolution led by the Equalists and the anti-order terrorism led by the Red Lotus start at the same time (both want to kill the Avatar for different reasons).

Simultaneously, the Water Tribes tensions could be exacerbated by the Avatar's reveal for whatever reason (maybe the southern rebels feel like it's their time to fight off the "nothern invaders" because the Avatar is a southerner and would take their side).

The Red Lotus kills other world leaders such as the Earth Queen since it's part of their anti-order philosophy, and that leads to the rise of Kuvira in the Earth Kingdom, maybe for a following season since this event is a consequence of another and would take a bit of time before being effective.

Mid-season, the Red Lotus would kick Unalaq for partaking in the Water Tribes civil war which they deemed incompatible with their philosophy, kickstarting the rise of Vaatu (let's just pretend the Harmonic Convergence happens not too late after that).

At the end of the first season Zaheer might gain airbending and become a bigger threat.

In this scenario, how would Korra fair ?