Why is talking about toxicity in female spaces considered taboo?

Now please don't go all reddit on me. I'm not using the fact that some women can be toxic as an excuse to be sexist or prejudicial towards them.

I see this especially on social media where people (and especially other women and girls) hold female youtubers to a much higher standard than the male ones and start nitpicking every single thing they do once they start gaining success (ex: emma chamberlain and bestdressed)

Emma chamberlain had an episode on her podcast where she discussed the female friendships in her life which most of them were not pleaseant to say the least, and people on her subreddit said it had pick me energy

This sort of thing almsot always happens where if a woman criticizes toxic behaviour in other women she instantly becomes the bad guy.

Real life example: my friend is currently doing her internship in one of the best hopsitals of the country and all the female nurses treat her like shit while they treat the male interns in a normal way.

In my engineering class, the top student is female and nearly all the other female students resent her, talk shit behind her back saying she must've slept with the teachers and other nasty stuff, while they don't treat the other male students in the TOP 5 that way.

i feel like a lot of women's feminism is conditional and it's making me fucking angry, they're all for feminism until the other woman is prettier, smarter, younger, more successful....

And the thing is whenever a female person comes forward with negative experinces related to other women, she gets these sayings "oh you're just hanging out with the wrong people" "oh well maybe you're the problem" "maybe you're just looking for an excuse to display your internalized misogyny".....

Anyway i hope this post made sense. What are your thoughts on this ? i'd like to get different perspectives