Are there lgbt friendly ballet studios?
Hi. I'm a 20 almost 21 year old nonbinary/genderfluid born female at birth person. I remember stopping ballet due to studio required us to show our breasts. Like they stopped allowing us to wear jackets because breasts were a part of my figure. While I hated ballet because that was a time where my parents never allowed me to have a decision, I liked some parts of it. I feel like one day I want to return to ballet to heal a bit of my childhood. Does anyone know if its possible to have gender accepting or like lgbt ish ballet studios? I know the political climate in the usa surrounding us is pretty bad..but im from California so I'm hoping its not a complete lost cause. Any ideas?
I feel like I genuinely could have continued ballet if they let me wear the "boy" outfit. The leotards made me extremely dysphoric. I would have been fine with skin tight clothing..just anything but the leotards