Family should be required to feed grandpa...

Say what you want about it I honestly don't care but at this point this game is so boring playing family it's embarrassing...

Bitch and moan about Danny and Wyatt all you want they are literally nothing compared to hands... hands is twice as good if not moreso and is an instant counter to either of them.

At this point the only way to balance this game because they've done such a terrible job that if you don't have a great team on either side you're gonna get absolutely destroyed that grandpa should be mandatory to feed or you suffer debuffs or something 🤷🏻‍♂️

Take away speed, stamina, power, or even increase proximity radius cause why is there? He has essentially either become a completely pointless part of the game cause family is so overpowered they don't need him, or he is the most overpowered thing in the game because good players will feed him to 5 within 2-2:30 minutes....

You can complain all you want about either side or any character but what you absolutely cannot deny is that with two teams that have the most OP characters and are both good... the family will kill the majority or all of them 10/10 times and it isn't even close....

Family house, gas station, and graveyard are joke maps for anybody who is good at the game. Nancy is only close cause of Wyatt turning off gen or gen in general, mill is only 50/50 because the wells actually most the time serve the purpose and family can't just run down before you stand up and get you anyways... graveyard is terrible all around for both sides

You get buffs for feeding him for free on top of him scanning our location so why shouldn't you get punished for not feeding him? He is a crucial point of the game and movies so like why isn't he treated as such?

It's just so boring being family now that I almost never play it and victim is a 50/50 if you get braindead new players or the most sweaty team in the history of mankind...

Why not try to balance it with a gameplay element instead of each character cause clearly they can't figure that out...

I just literally sit here as victim and watch family run back and forth to gates or doors depending on the map while hands roams and it's completely safe because of ripstall... it's just boring and lame

I say grandpa because the family can control that, you could do other things like calling cops similar to rush week, or just adding more exits so it's harder to watch but ultimately family players will bitch that it's out of their control so that's why I say make it grandpa so they can control it....