High blood pressure always even on moderate dose?
For context I'm 27M, 176lbs 6' tall, I lift and do zone-2 cardio consistently. Was hypogonadal, and am on TRT total 60 mg / week split into 2 doses.
When I measure my blood pressure at night, I'm getting extremely high readings of 150 /82 sometimes and consistently a reading of near or above 140 systolic. Diastolic number stays around 80 most of the time and rarely crosses it.
Even before TRT, my resting blood pressure was never normal and always read between 130 to 140 systolic, (70-80 diastolic)
I'm trying everything like the grip exercises or breathing slowly and exhaling even slower, etc everyday but I still get numbers like these, makes no sense? I have an appointment with a cardiologist tomorrow, he'll do tests like the stress test, ecg, etc and I guess I'll get more info from that.
What blood pressure do you guys on TRT have?