Anyone taking Finasteride for their BPH?

My Urologist switched me to Finasteride for my BPH. If anyone on here is on this I’d appreciate their feedback. The other Med’s I’ve tried haven’t helped. The first Urologist I was seeing had me on Flomax & Cialis but it wasn’t helping. So he put a camera into my prostate & bladder then said my only two options were either to stay on the meds or he’d do a TURP. I went to another Urologist for a second opinion & he put me on Uroxatral but it didn’t help. So he put a camera into my Prostate & Bladder. He then put me on Finasteride & Gemtesa. I haven’t started taking either one. I read about Finasteride & although I didn’t like the side effects my main concern was it doesn’t start working for 3-6 months. I probably have to pee 30-40 times in 24 hours. I didn’t have a chance to really ask any questions but was hoping he’d recommend a less evasive surgery than the TURP. Soonest I could get my next appointment was May 15th & I’ll ask questions then but would like feedback on Finasteride. Thank you! Bill