New Shaheen tech for the charge move
Hi everyone,
So I posted this on the Shaheen discord and seemingly, it's new information, so here goes. Seems appropriate to mention it straight after AK's Shaheen win at combo breaker too.
If you're a Shaheen main, you'll know that one of his best tools is the charge move in heat (du2), his guard breaker.
One of the best times to do it is buffering your charge under other moves to make it less obvious. The trouble is, if you're slightly off on your timing and don't charge long enough, you'll get generic u2, which is a pretty awful -12 on block high, and does no good to your game.
So I started playing around with my binds, to see if I could find safer coverage options in the event that I get a misinput.
I came up with two solutions, both of which seem superior and more viable.
Option 1: using du1+2 bind.
If you time it correctly, you still get the charge move, all good. If you time it wrong, you'll now get your uf1, mid +1 on block move, good for mid coverage, good for continuing pressure, and if you're super in the zone, you could always press f to launch them too on hit.
Option 2: using du3+4 bind+2.
Time it correctly, still get the charge move, all good. Time it wrong, you'll get the u3 orbital instead, safe on blow low crush mid launcher.
Please note that this technique is NOT viable for charging out of snk (the 1+2 simply overules charge and you get snk 1+2, and the 3+4+2 comes out as snk3).
Where this tech is viable:
Straight after heat engage
Straight after fff2 (buffer during the inputs)
After d3
after snk1+2
after b3
after df1 on hit
after many snk cancels.
Basically, anywhere on hit/ on block plus frames / sidewalk down movement. So long as wherever you're trying this tech isn't during an snk movement itself, you're good to go. Marginal gains improvement on mid coverage over the misinput u2.