Techtonica hanging on loading screen on Xbox (dev update)

Edit: this issue has been resolved, and the game should work normally now on all Microsoft platforms. We apologize for the service hiccup and thank you for your patience while we fixed the issue. Please go play and enjoy Techtonica!

We are aware of the issue where on Xbox the game hangs on the loading screen and doesn't start. We're not sure why this is happening - we didn't do anything or make any changes, so it's gonna take some investigation to work out why this suddenly changed.

The problem is, Fire Hose basically shuttered a few months back, and no one is working for the company right now, not even me. So it's not like we can just tell people to go figure this out, people have to volunteer their time and energy, and many of the systems we used to build the game have atrophied over time. One of the engineers is currently trying to figure this out, but we don't know if we'll get a resolution or not, or when the fix will come if we do find one.

Sorry I don't have more information for you. We're frustrated too. At the very least I can say that this problem seems to be restricted to the Microsoft environment only, Steam and PS5 seem to be unaffected.