An Update

A couple days ago I posted about grappling with if I should leave or stay in my LTS position… it’s official! I’ve put in my “3 weeks notice” my last day will be January 31st.

Anyways. Same kid that attacks me every day told me that he wants to kill me and he hopes I die all day today… he apologized but how do you apologize for that?! I just can’t believe the things that can come out of a first graders mouth. He’s still being physical and it hurts me a lot but I’m starting to make my peace with it.

Anyways, the mom and sister picked him up today and got the scoop on what happened from the assistant principal. TELL ME WHY the 12 YEAR OLD SISTER starts laying into me about what I should be doing as a teacher in terms of discipline and informing his mother of his behavior. Like girl, thanks but no thanks. 🙄

Ugh. Oh, and I finally support cuz I’m leaving LOL but of course these events happen in the 30 minute another adult is not in the room 😵‍💫

Anyways, time to go home, cry and come back for another day!