Does Anyone Else Prefer Teaching “Underprivileged” Kids?
I have observed a school where most students lived near the poverty line (like me), and one where the students were closer to upper class.
Someone told me going in that the behavior of “rich” kids is way better. I beg to disagree. I was never told F off” or “I’m going to get you fired” with the disadvantaged kids.
Maybe it was just my group, but the low-income kids with a lot of behavior issues eventually turned around and we formed lasting relationships. The same happened when I had a church group years prior for struggling youth. They were grateful for their education, grateful for my time, and grateful for human connection. Maybe it was rewarding to get through to them.
The kids who had a bigger allowance than my paychecks rarely turned their attitudes around. They saw me as lesser than them. When they saw my laptop, phone, or clothes, they would laugh at me. There were only a few that would be genuinely curious and I would educate them on how much things actually cost (A MacBook costs approximately X hours at my food service job before tax and that’s not including all of my bills). I have hope for those few. Not to mention the terrible behaviors because of who their parents were or how much money they had to give to the school. We could barely teach any content because “Jimmy” didn’t think it was worth his time.
Anyone else feel like this? Or is it just my area?