"In God We Trust"

Florida has a law requiring us to display these posters with those words in our classrooms. (I think the law says in a prominent location near the door, but we will get clarification) Our district hasn't printed and given them to us yet, but they are coming. A LOT of teachers are very upset. Not complying with the law will lead to firing. Because it is the state motto, they are saying it isn't spreading Christianity. I'm sure my Muslim and Hindi students will totally understand. I'm sure my atheist students will totally understand. It's bad enough they are forced to stand for the Pledge. At least Desantis isn't nutty enough to have us teaching the Bible like you poor folks in Oklahoma.

EDIT: Quit telling me about SCOTUS. Florida state law says students MUST stand for the Pledge unless they have opted out via a parent note. I understand it is likely illegal, but until it is settled via lawsuits, it IS happening. Also, our unions can't strike due to voter approved state constitutional amendment, so they can't do squat.

EDIT 2: For the fundies, we are not now nor have we ever been a Christian nation or any kind of religious nation. Read a book and shut up, because NO ONE CARES what you and your Bible say except you. I have my own set of beliefs that are vaguely Christian, but I STFU and keep it to myself. I don't try to force other people to live according to my beliefs through legislation and threatening their jobs.

EDIT 3: Looks like I got a bit of bad information. The requirement to post it is state law, the requirement to post it in each classroom near our door is district policy.