People on the outside have no idea

I sometimes find myself wondering how in the world has the world of education gotten to the point it's at without everyone noticing. I thought perhaps people knew, but didn't care. Or maybe they saw it, but assumed it was okay. I don't know exactly.

It wasn't until recently that it hit me deep how much people just do not know what is going on. Like at all, and it astounds me. I was visiting with an aunt and uncle who live in New York. They are somewhat posh (work in theater and literally have Ethan Hawke as a neighbor!?) and also very big political people. They go to rallies and protests, they are big time advocates for the LGBTQ+ community, etc.

So it really blew me away when they asked me about my work (I'm a substitute and previous para and lunch lady) and they were both shocked and astounded by what I told them. Most of it was just silly stories. I talked a little about the lack of consequences and what kids get away with now. They both looked at me like I was telling them some great big secret.

These are two very intelligent, well educated people who take time to keep up on current affairs and yet they knew nothing. My aunt admitted that she had heard and read a few things here and there but thought it was just certain pockets of the country.

Is there a way to get more people involved in these discussions? How do we make the world see the direction education is going? Do you think they'd even care?