No consequences is the school to prison pipeline.

My school rarely suspends for anything but fighting. It's a shit show and if you try to hold students accountable you get marked down on evals because it's obviously a classroom management issue, not an admin not doing their job issue. We have three students on ankle monitors for committing crimes, mostly theft by taking. One armed robbery. The kid who did armed robbery is special Ed. He has an IEP for MID. Because of this he is allowed to do whatever he wants. He's hot his 10 day limit that admin says kids can't be suspended after, even though from my understanding they can, it just takes a lot of effort. He comes in, curses out teachers, skips class constantly, and terrorizes the class. He has a group of boys that do what he does and get away with it because their parents say it's not fair. Admin says since they can't explain to the parents that the first boy is special Ed they'd say it was favoritism if they suspended the other four. What's happening now? Instead of admin handling it, the his probation officer is. He's violating his probation by missing too much class because he gets no consequences for skipping. From what I've been told they're waiting to see if he magically changes after the new Year and if not, they'll actually put him in juvie. So instead of giving the boy basic, non permanent consequences, we've put him in juvie, and then in a few years, prison. Not to mention he felt entitled enough to commit the armed robbery in the first place.

You know how I know that strong discipline doesn't hurt kids? Because the schools that people in power send their kids to do it. If it made prisoners instead of business people, poor schools would have the toughest discipline there is.