You're Not Sorry Should've Been Track 5
Hi fellow Swifties. I was listening to Fearless a little while ago and I was thinking about how the track 5 on this album should've been You're Not Sorry. I personally really like this song, and while I also like White Horse, it's doesn't seem like a track 5. It's not vulnerable and sad enough and a standout from the rest of the track 5s in many terms. I am also not the biggest fan of the whole "White Horse" idea. I don't think the idea was established well in the song. You're Not Sorry fits the theme better and it's also a better song in my opinion. The ending is my favorite and they are both pretty sad and vulnerable. I have a feeling this is going to be very controversial, so I apologize in advance. I do like White Horse a lot as well, and this isn't an opinion I'm dead set on. Thanks and let me know what you guys think!