Last session 4 days ago, can't see much difference, is it blue or green ?

I had this tattoo 5 years ago , and I had about 4 removals with q switch , but I did them with almost a year between every treatment, 3 days ago I had my 5th session with pico (they didn't tell me wich pico exactly) . The visible fading was from previous treatments , this time I didn't get any frosting or even red dots , just puffy redness for the first day . And I feel this session was not very useful.
I see my tattoo is blue , the lase lr tech said it's green . I only saw the setting was 500 not sure what this indicates.. Is it possible she should have used a stronger settings?? And as I know if you leave more time between treatments it's better , when she knew I had spaced a year, she said it's wrong and like you are starting over again . Please advise me ...

I had this tattoo 5 years ago , and I had about 4 removals with q switch , but I did them with almost a year between every treatment, 3 days ago I had my 5th session with pico (they didn't tell me wich pico exactly) . The visible fading was from previous treatments , this time I didn't get any frosting or even red dots , just puffy redness for the first day . And I feel this session was not very useful.
I see my tattoo is blue , the lase lr tech said it's green . I only saw the setting was 500 not sure what this indicates.. Is it possible she should have used a stronger settings?? And as I know if you leave more time between treatments it's better , when she knew I had spaced a year, she said it's wrong and like you are starting over again . Please advise me ...