Scheduling Question
I’m going to ask my TL/ETL about this during my next shift regardless but wanted to know if other seasonal workers that eventually became permanent employees have experienced this. So I was pulled aside last week and offered a permanent position after the seasonal period ends and I accepted. Fast forward to today I’ve been checking myTime throughout the day to see what my schedule for 1/12 - 1/18 looks like and I have 0 hours. The 2 months I’ve been here the schedule is always out by Thursday around noon and currently it’s 8:24 pm and I’m still not seeing anything. Should I be concerned if my offer was rescinded? Or could it just be that my ETL is probably focusing on giving hours to my coworkers who’ve been here far more longer than me before trying to sort schedules for seasonals right now? My hours have definitely been cut since Christmas ended which is to be expected but seeing it go from being 20 hours to none at all has me confused at the moment.