Experiences and Results

Multiple anusthan of diety leads to a temporary infusion of energy of diety within our body and the form of this energy revolves around the tattva of the diety . Arguably every serious sadhaka or devotee must have experienced this so far and this might have propelled his desire to seek out more of the same.

However results are as the name suggests denotes an outcome a comparatively lasting change in person 's behaviour, a change in outcome in life, career, other people's perspective just to name a few. In certain cases it might last through the generation and in cases for consecutive lifetime.

However when the topic of siddhi comes, siddhis are true but practically of no use. Before siddhi comes when you are following a lot of constraints or restrictions. So when you speak you essentially are a conduit for the supreme entity commanding you. If you try to do something else you lose this power siddhi whatever you call it. So essentially you dont control the power it controls you. So do we ever reach a stage where you control it? I dont know. Been 14 years now. I can only tell what i experience rest you need to have faith in what the others say. Not that would change anything in your life.

Results are very advanced they come when you simply enjoy the process of worshipping the diety and you dont think about any gains except what would help you in worshipping more of the same. Those dont give one bit of experience, no dream nothing happening. Then one day the world changes dramatically. Its like full fledged 90 mm theatrical experience. Not just one thing, event happens, the world changes. You obviously have no control and there cannot be a stronger indication than this. Actual karma starts happening. You see things happening on the ground. Not an isolated event but large stretch of things. I had gone through once with my ishta deva lord krishna and one through lord ashutosh. Needless to say, i couldn't handle the tattva of my master and fell miserably. Here lord ashutosh put me back on my feet and bring me back to the service of my master.

In my opinion you need shiva to make you capable of handling the blessings of lord krishna. When ananda tattva of lord krishna hits you, it stays with you for a very long time. You just want to give up all worldly things and just endlessly worship the lord. Its stops when your buddhi starts discriminating and that then the ananda starts to dissipate. Like a heart broken lover with mind devoid of dopamine or serotonin you feel the terrible uneasiness with yourself. The fatigue seems endless. Then even the worst part starts your mind starts finding this same amount of ananda in everything and fails miserably to make you even sadder.

Lord shiva the auspicious one stepped in. I was fortunate enough to go through hell so that i lost all hope, physical health, mental health, wealth, career everything detiorated to that extent that i was desperate to look at other things in spiritual path. Now all of the above is in a better state. It happened gradually. This the second result that happened.

I believe results and experience are two different things. Some get quick experiences, i dont care about it nor believe in it because even if it happens so what your life is not changing atleast on material level. On a mental level you just make believe things , make up stories of past life karmas are getting eradicated and what not. Nothing on ground.