Possible Eagle Syndrome or just bad case of TMJ?

I've been dealing with some pretty bad flare ups lately in my left jaw/ear area. I've been seeing doctors non-stop with no success for over 2 years. I've had CT's and MRI's and they said all clear (except for what they said was a Thornwaldt Cyst that was benign). A Panic Attack a few months back has be doing the doc route all over again....

Some of my symptoms include: dizziness, lightheadedness, trouble swallowing or catching breath, left shoulder/chest pain, droopy left eye-lid, jaw pain below ear, left jugular distention.

My recent symptoms have led me to think this could be Eagle Syndrome....After looking at my recent CT I might be onto something. You can see a slight longer stylohphoid on right side of the jaw here (which is my LEFT side of jaw). This would line up with the side the symptoms are on.

I'm nervous if this is what I have, or, if this is just TMJ symptoms everyone experiences? I had a panic attack (which I literally thought was a heart attack or stroke) a few months back and now I'm wondering if Eagles (or TMJ) are causing jugular problems.

My three thoughts are: TMJ, Eagle Syndrome, JVD, or TOS (Thoractic Outlet).

Any help or stories would be greatly appreciated!
