For the new apes 💜

Remember that the infinity pool is not a meme.

Remember that short positions have a risk of infinity.

Remember that the stock is short more than the shares existing by a factor of X.

Remember to learn about death spiral financing and realize bankrupting gamestop started as far back as 2014.

If you haven’t read this about the infinity pool I recommend reading this:

They only buy themselves another day and each day they dig the hole deeper to do so.

Remember to be more greedy than the bankers and hfs. Their greed is valued at a quadrillion dollars since thats the value of the derivatives market. Their greed is betting away your grandma’s pension and not blinking an eye. Their greed is to bet away the money of all of the working class and wanting to steal more. They know they will get bailed out so they gamble excessively and thats putting it mildly.

Remember in your spare time read as much as you can and learn as much as you can at

I know this post probably won’t get too much attention but hopefully it helps at least 1 person then ill be happy.

I keep seeing people saying xxx or xxxx is a good price when moass comes but reality is you CHOOSE your own price and mine is at least a billion for 1 then it increases about 10 fold for the next and the next and so on.

Infinite risk baby thats something that never gets collected because financial institutions play nice with each other to a certain degree but a huge group of individual household investors? Well good luck with that hedge fuks

Anyways have a good weekend and may the power of knowledge be on your side.