I have a negative impression of people in groups like this one

While I will concede that advocates for this cause are willing to provide data and logical reasoning for their policies, I have the distinct impression that this cause is at least partly based on a sort of tribal revenge. It seems groups like this only attract people with a political chip on their shoulder against what they see as "traditional America" and other adjacent groups. It's become a way to screw over political enemies.

It may not be the primary reason, but I think tribal revenge still plays significantly into their average psyche in this group. I see a lot of rug-pull fantasies, where advocates in this group are desirous to see chaos inflicted upon the "guilty" in the name of justice. Rather than thoughtfully and respectfully suggesting we move away from bad policy. It also seems there's an effort to portray suburbanites as pathological on a personal level, rather than cogs in an unjust machine. Overall, It's become a way to screw over political enemies. I was going to write more but don't even like some of the people in here enough to care.